Shrink For The Shy Guy

What If Their Thoughts About You Don't Matter?



Hey, welcome to today's episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy! It's Dr. Aziz and I'm excited to be with you. How are you doing today? Are you feeling free? Self-confident? On your own side? Capable? Inherently worthy? Or maybe not? Wherever you are today, that's okay. Sometimes people think that if they've been listening to this show, reading my books, or practicing these concepts for a while, they’re supposed to feel confident all the time. And if they don’t, it feels like a personal failing. Let’s clear that up right now—there is no perfection here. Even after all these years of teaching this stuff, I can still experience self-criticism, anxiety, or worry. But I can also not run those patterns. The key is to have the potential for liberation where you can sometimes run those social anxiety patterns and sometimes not. So today’s episode is titled "What If Their Thoughts About You Don't Matter?" This isn’t about forcing yourself to not care about what people think. Instead, we’re going to soften the clinging worr