Where's The Lemonade?

#6.6 True Crime!!! Why do we love it so much???



Darren and Paige delve into the topic of True Crime entertainment, including podcasts, documentaries, and books. They discuss the reasons behind the fact that women make up the largest demographic of listeners and viewers in this genre. Encountering Evil from SafetyTrue crime stories echo our deepest fears and curiosities about the most disturbing aspects of human behavior. In a controlled and safe environment such as a book, a podcast, or a TV show, we become observers on the sidelines of evil, weighing in on the battle between right and wrong. Our fascination with these narratives, thus, could be understood as an exploratory mechanism - a means of understanding the extremes of the human psyche.The fight between good and evil has been a staple in story-telling for centuries. It allows us to confront our fears and anxieties about crime and punishment in a relatively safe environment without the direct threat of physical harm. By examining the mind of a criminal and witnessing their eventual punishment, we can