Shrink For The Shy Guy

The True Foundation of Unshakeable Confidence



In this empowering episode, Dr. Aziz takes you on a transformative journey to the heart of true confidence. It's not the fleeting, conditional type that ebbs and flows with life's unpredictable tides but a profound, unshakeable confidence that stands firm regardless of external circumstances. Discover Unconditional Confidence Unpack the concept of unconditional confidence with Dr. Aziz as he guides you away from the exhausting rollercoaster of conditional self-worth. Learn how to cultivate a deep-rooted sense of confidence that remains steady through life's ups and downs. The Power of Self-Compassion Dr. Aziz reveals that the secret to unwavering confidence lies in self-compassion. He explains how treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and empathy can fundamentally change how you view yourself and your abilities. Empathy and Understanding: The Keys to Confidence Understand how to separate your self-worth from external successes and failures. Dr. Aziz will teach you to empathize with yourself, recogni