Where's The Lemonade?

#6.4 Co-parenting, Money, and Adult Children



In the world of blended families, navigating issues related to co-parenting adult children can be complex and challenging. Some familiar questions might center on the financial responsibility of each parent in relation to costs like college fees, health insurance, and other unforeseen expenses. This post examines the convolutions faced by co-parents, particularly with regards to shared-cost decisions and financial commitments to their adult children. Financial Responsibility and Legal Gray AreasThe transition of children from dependents to independent adults sometimes leaves co-parents in gray areas regarding who pays for what. For instance, health insurance is a significant aspect that often falls into this gray area. Under Obamacare, children can retain their health coverage under their parent's insurance until they are 26. This is a great relief for parents who, like Darren, incurred no additional cost in providing health insurance for their older children.However, the issue of who should handle unexpected