Fitness Confidential With Vinnie Tortorich

Variety Pack of Facts - Episode 2476



Episode 2476 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad continue discussing her "research assignment" and share a variety pack of facts, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS   YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Variety Pack of Facts Gina continues her assignment from last week. (3:30) Agent Orange, Monsanto, soybeans, and glyphosates are all linked. Another fun fact about flight attendants and why they sit on their hands. (13:30) Vinnie shares a story from his younger years when he was a “cooler” (a type of bouncer for bars and clubs). (15:00) An article from “Medical Economics” from 2017 states that Dannon and Kraft have sponsored the American Diabetes Association. (21:15)  Have you heard of ARFID (Avoidant Resistant Intake Food Disorder)? (24:30)  She only recently heard of this and shares what it is. There is a young YouTuber who has this and shares the effects of how her limited eating has affected he