

Sarah Blondin, a renowned spiritual teacher, explores how to uncover the heart’s wisdom and find a path to self-healing. Through her work, Sarah delves into the depths of self-discovery, guiding individuals toward a path of inner wisdom and compassion. Her unique approach emphasizes the importance of embracing grace and learning to navigate life’s complexities with a focus on love and connection. In this episode, you will be able to: Embrace self-healing and personal growth to navigate difficult situations Discover the transformative role of grace and compassion in the healing path Take responsibility for your healing journey and unleash its powerful impact Integrate heart and mind to foster personal growth and achieve balance Explore the art of finding balance in creativity and self-care for a fulfilling life Sarah Blondin is a writer and videographer from British Columbia, Canada.  She’s also the creator and host of the well-known podcast “live awake“.  In this episode, Sarah and Eric discuss her book, “H