Where's The Lemonade?

#6.1 We're back and we are not stuck in a rut, or are we?



Is your marriage stuck in a rut??Darren and Paige have been talking recently about being stuck in a rut, kind of bored, and very predictable. When they aren’t traveling or at something for the kids, they watch a show. Until the show ends, they are in a show hole. Or they go out to dinner, but what else can you do…A few weeks ago, they would go out on a date. Paige made 2 jars with restaurants to take the “where should we go” out of it. Then Paige had an idea for a date. Head to Kohls and you each pick out two outfits for each other to try on, something you would like to see your partner in (Paige said no lingerie). Then they went into a big dressing room and had a lot of fun trying on clothes together and seeing what each other would pick out. What else can we do to not be bored:Could you ask yourself why you feel bored?-It's important not to try to fix boredom but to consider the reason behind your feelings.You can take responsibility for changing.- Now that you’ve assessed the issues around why your marriag