Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

The Best in Health, Healing, and High-Tech: Zestology 2023 - A Year in Review #466



Join me for a special "Review of the Year" episode on Zestology, where we reflect on the standout moments of 2023. It's been er, quite a year, and you'll hear all of these experiences where I... Moved country three times, and took Zestology with me. Traveled to Thailand to enhance meditation practices and explore Zen traditions (and recorded it all at the same time) Explored the intersection of light, blue-blockers, and EMFs with our health and wellbeing. Delved into the transformative potential of microdosing and psychedelics. Investigated the art of healthy globetrotting and the pursuit of wellness in new places. Navigated the complexities of EMFs and their influence on sleep and modern life. Dived into the glamorous intersection of TV, wellness, and biohacking. Brought you live antics and insights from London's Health Optimisation Summit. Had a total Glastonbury podcast fail lol (yes, you'll hear that) Decided to embrace aging with grace, humor, and fearlessness. Unmasked the hidden dangers of mold and it