SOS Podcast

314: Elevating Student Learning With AI



"What do I want my process to look like?" this is a question researcher, educator and author Maya Bialik would love to see more teachers think about right now. Our conversation thinks about the art and craft of teaching as it applies to AI and the range of AI tools available to us. Our guest this week is: Maya Bialik is a 7th grade science teacher from Boston, and the founder of QuestionWell AI. In the decade since earning her master’s degree in Mind, Brain, & Education from Harvard, Maya has worked directly with educators and jurisdictions around the world on many parts of the education system, from writing curriculum, to evaluating programs, running professional development, facilitating seminars and workshops, designing new standards, conducting research, and publishing books and papers on both primary research and theoretical frameworks. Learn more about and connect with Maya. Also explored in our conversation are ideas on: Ways to use AI for concept based learning. Ways to engage AI f