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Ralph and Kasim go on a Field Trip - The 5 Biggest Marketing Opportunities For 2024(MATG)



Ralph and Kasim guest star on Marketing Against The Grain, offering a deep dive into the forefront of 2024's digital marketing landscape. They expertly navigate through AI marketing innovations, dissecting advanced strategies for platforms like Meta and Google, and introduce the untapped potential of pre-awareness advertising. Highlighting YouTube's overlooked opportunities for audience engagement, they also explore the emerging trend of arbitrage in digital advertising and the strategic power of direct creator partnerships.Chapters:00:00:00 - Marketing Against The Grain Episode Swap01:03:00 - Highlighting the Upcoming Traffic and Conversion Summit02:58:00 - Analyzing Key Marketing Opportunities for 202403:48:00 - Welcoming Guests Ralph Burns and Kasim Aslam05:09:00 - Delving into Overrated Marketing Strategies Today10:59:00 - Uncovering Hidden Gems in Marketing Strategies16:30:00 - Deep Dive into Brand Awareness and Consideration in Advertising25:56:00 - Shifting Focus to Effective Google Advertising Techniq