Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

212: Sports Nutrition with Taryn from Dietitian Approved



We delve into the realm of sports nutrition for children, seeking insights from the knowledgeable Sports Dietitian, Taryn Richardson. The central question we tackle is whether supplements and energy gels are truly necessary for budding athletes. Taryn's expertise sheds light on this topic, emphasizing that, contrary to popular belief, kids don't require sports drinks. Instead, the focus should be on providing them with the essentials: water and fresh, unprocessed foods. By avoiding the marketing traps, parents can make healthier choices, like offering slices of fresh fruits during break times. The core of our discussion revolves around the importance of proper nutrition, highlighting the key roles that proteins and carbohydrates play in a child's athletic journey. Taryn underlines that these nutrients are the building blocks for recovery and fuel, emphasizing the significance of incorporating them into a child's diet. Furthermore, she highlights the importance of timing, drawing parallels to preparing for a s