Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#402: The Innovative Strategy For Avoiding Burnout With Jonathan Fields



How Entrepreneurs Do The Work That Drives Them How’s your breathing today?  Deep and restorative? (Or did that question just prompt your first deep inhale of the day?) And your shoulders? High and tight OR relaxed, breezy, and unburdened by the weight of the world?  (I bet I can guess.)  The unfortunate reality is that “business as usual” can leave entrepreneurs anatomically all shook up. And I hate it.  The very reasons we leave the 9-5 grind… ...more flexibility, more control over our time, more room to be creative and do the work we love… ...becomes buried by the demands of being a 1-man or 1-woman show.  This means the entrepreneur’s archnemesis BURNOUT lurks right around the corner. But, not for you. Not today. Because in this episode, we’re adding tools to your tool belt to help you nip that entrepreneurial threat in the bud.  I’m so excited to share my fascinating conversation with the brilliant Jonathan Fields with you! Jonathan hosts the popular podcast called The Good Life Project and serves as the