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Why Traditional Marketing is Dead and What's Taking Its Place with Dmitri Smirnov



Embark on a journey through the uncharted territories of marketing with Dmitri Smirnov who dares to challenge the status quo, intertwining the seemingly opposing worlds of raw creativity and meticulous data analysis. Dmitri, even as a 16-year-old, was obsessed with dissecting data, tracking everything from gas station metrics for personal insights to navigating the complex realms of client CRM data in his professional stride. Listeners will traverse through narratives of a young data geek, evolving into a maestro who doesn’t just conduct marketing campaigns but composes symphonies of strategic and spontaneous maneuvers. Engage with tales that don’t merely share strategies but weave stories that linger, offering a fresh, audacious, and slightly rebellious perspective on steering through today’s marketing wilderness, ensuring an adventure that promises more than just insights but experiences that resonate.Chapters:00:00:00 Diving into Dmitri's World: Exploring the Acclaimed 'Anno Dimitri' Agency00:01:52 Trust-B