Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#115: Affiliate Marketing Done Right with Rachel Luna



When you’re starting out in business, I am a big advocate for any and all confidence boosters. I’m talking ways you can get your feet wet so you can say with certainty: I CAN DO THIS. Because you and I both know: You CAN do this. But sometimes you first need that little pat on the butt and boost of self-confidence. Well, today I’ve got your keys to testing out your own launch before you really launch. It’s called Affiliate Marketing. And I’ve got the perfect person to share the tricks and secrets to doing it right. Rachel Luna is an elite business coach who helps her clients gain clarity and confidence. In this action-packed episode I share: The 8 Steps to Successful Affiliate Marketing The 7 Reasons Why Being an Affiliate is a Great Dry Run for Your Own Launch Common Mistakes People Make with Affiliate Marketing Whew! This is a TON of value. I couldn’t wait to record this for you because I know a lot of you feel hesitation around kicking off your own launch. But, I know that affiliate marketing is