Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#147: How to Ask Better Questions and Get Better Business Results with Marie Forleo



Today I’m talking about the ONE THING that could be holding you back in your business. This is a real obstacle that can STALL your business growth. I know this because it stunted my own growth. Today I’m talking about the low-value bullsh*t questions you ask yourself that make you feel stuck. These are the questions that suck the soul out of you and can make you feel that you are not cut out for this entrepreneurial life. The scary thing is that you likely don’t even know you’re doing it! But if you feel discouraged by your progress and “not enough” in your business, you are for sure doing it. It’s time to find some new, alternative questions, don’t you think? To help me tackle this very important topic, I’ve asked my own mentor and former business coach (and one of my favorite guests!), Marie Forleo, to help me make this into something extremely tangible and actionable for you. I put five “low-value” questions—the kind that make your heart sink—in front of Marie and I asked her to turn them into quest