Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#157: The Bonus Brainstorm: How to Create a Bonus Package for Your Next Course Offer (Rebroadcast)



I don’t know about you, but I’m the type of person who loves to pick up a book I’ve read a bunch of times already, read it again, and find new takeaways. I love doing that, because I know every time I’m reading that book I’m in a different place in my life, making me see the insights in a new light. In that same spirit: There was such an overwhelming response to the original episode I recorded on creating compelling bonuses, that I wanted to rebroadcast this episode, with a new take. So not only am I teaching you the bonus strategies that have worked for me and my business, but I’ve got an all-new insight that I wanted to share that’s made a BIG difference in my launch results. Here’s a little of what I’ll cover in this mini-workshop all about creating bonuses: Strategies that have worked to drive sales for me over and over again How to incentivize buyers to buy on cart open day (instead of waiting!) The best bonuses to offer for an affiliate launch Then I want you to implement what you’ve learned i