Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#162: The New Rules of Facebook Marketing



As quickly as Facebook changes, there are some things that are as true today as they were a few years ago: Facebook cares more about its users vs. the marketers. Likes, comments, shares, views, and clicks are gold—the more, the better. The more personal you are and the more you do to generate real and valuable interaction, the more your fans will engage (by liking, sharing, etc.). Now, HOW you accomplish those three points has changed A LOT. Why? Well, there are few reasons. You’ve heard me talk about the infamous Facebook algorithm, and while I’m not going to nerd out on all of its particulars (there are hundreds), it does have everything to do with how many of your fans are actually seeing your posts. If you start to understand just a little bit about how it works, you can get smarter about the kind of content you’re creating. Feel me? I’m going to tell you how to do that by sharing my: Three truths about what’s working on Facebook TODAY (including why your post has to perform well from the minu