Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#167: Your 4x4 Gut Check: Are You Moving Your Biz Forward?



The one thing nearly every entrepreneur I know, including myself, NEVER does is STOP. You’re in the fast lane practically all of the time because there’s so much to do! The problem is that because you’re going a million miles an hour, you often sacrifice important parts of the creative process of any endeavor or business: creating the space needed to slow down and imagine what could be for your business. So this week, I’m going to put aside all the talk about Facebook ads and webinar funnels to pause for a moment and answer a question that’s equally as important. How are you feeling about your business right now? Now, I know. You’re saying, “Jeez, Amy. I don’t have time to think about that. I’m too busy actually running my business.” I totally understand. I don’t check in with myself and answer that question nearly enough either. Today I’m giving myself permission to not only do that on this podcast episode but to also share my answers with you. As I go through and reveal where I am in my business right