Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#176: Steal My Podcast Project Plan!



Why you’ve got to listen to today’s episode: A podcast can dramatically change your business by connecting you with your audience in a new and intimate way, each and every week. Having a comprehensive system (and proven project plan!) can help you streamline your delivery of consistent weekly content. You can truly scale your content efforts—and save a TON of time—if you use a little system called “batching” when planning. There’s one list-building tactic that’s on my MUST list: freebies, or content upgrades. There’s definitely an art and science to implementing these the right way. [26:28] Today I’m bringing together two of my passions—podcasting and systems—in the ultimate behind-the-scenes of my podcast episodes. And I’ve spared no detail. It’s all here—from how I come up with my topics, to how we publish the finished recording, I walk through it all. And you’ve got to get today’s freebie: It’s too good for words: a complete project plan of our process, ready for you to use at any time. I walk you