Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#179: The Real Truth Why I Hate Video (Hint: It's My Weight)



I am a firm believer in changing things up, breaking a pattern, switching gears… Today I’m doing all three. Because I know it’s time. The truth is, I’ve been holding back for a while. I have finally decided that I’ve had enough of the BS, and the fear. To know me is to know I don’t love being on video. And I have given a lot of excuses around that. Time to come clean: I hate video because I’m embarrassed about my weight. Wow. It felt freeing just typing that. So this podcast is my very open letter to you, dear listener. Because I owe you this openness—so I can (perhaps) also inspire you to come out and call out what’s been holding you back. And even give it a name. This episode was a tough one to record. But worth it. 100% worth it. Here I go. Amy