Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#189: 3 Wins (and a Few Misses) From My Live Events



Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: This year I made a big decision to open up what is typically a B-School bonus event, and do two one-day live events for ALL of my students. There is something incredible about holding live events—the connections with your audience, the relationships you build, the amazing team building. Which is exactly WHY I wanted to go behind the scenes and share the big learnings, and a few misses. I know some of you are thinking about holding your own events, so I wanted to give you some steps to making sure you hold your own ultra-successful event. And for me, it all starts with the connecting opportunities. (18:02) So if you have been thinking about using events as a great upsell, or a VIP experience, or maybe a new revenue stream, you will want to listen in to all the takeaways from this episode. For each point I walk through, I made sure to provide a “take action” piece for you so you can immediately apply it to your own event planning. Let’s get started making event