Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#245: How to Use a Virtual Assistant to Make Your Webinars More Profitable (+ Easier!)



It’s very I’m going to introduce you to a secret weapon that’s going to help you kick butt in webinars. When I ran my first webinar waaaay back in the day, I enlisted my best friend to come over to my condo help me out. She sat next to me—really, I was almost sitting on her lap, I was so nervous—and made sure everyone could hear me and see my slides. She made sure everything went right, that way all I had to do was focus on giving my best to all my attendees. I didn’t know it then, but I had essentially hired my best friend to be my virtual assistant during that first webinar. We made it through and that webinar was a success, but let me tell you, if I could do it over again, I would do it exactly how I’m going to outline for you in today’s podcast. Virtual assistants are your secret weapon to rocking a webinar! They’re the key to making your webinars not only more profitable, but EASIER for you. And you know how I feel: webinars are the absolute best way to promote and market your digital course online.