Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#267: Are You Known for Something Specific in Your Biz? If Not, Here’s What to Do



If you asked your customers or fans what you were known for what would they say? We’ve all got that special something that we want to be known for. That thing that attracts your customers to you effortlessly and grows your audience with ease. That “it” factor, what your known for, is the foundation for your positioning. It’s also the path to increase your profit and purpose. Over the years I have seen so many people stop themselves from confidently staking their claim on what they want to be known for out of fear of getting put in a box. The truth is, you can’t create a recognizable brand if you’re not known for something specific. And you can always pivot (just ask me or my girl Marie Forleo). This episode is dedicated to helping you figure out a game plan for what you want to be known for and how you’ll share that secret sauce with the world. Listen in to get these five specific ways to get clear on what you’re known for (and more!). [16:09] Clear messaging. Where do people start with you? Where ar