Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#272: My Biggest Regret After 10 Years of Building My Business



This is one of those super uncomfortable moments when I have to admit…I don’t have it ALL figured out. Recently, I was at the EntreLeadership live event and Dave Ramsey’s words cut right to my soul. He said, “Organizations are never limited by their opportunity or their team, they are limited by their leader.” And the honest truth is, I regret not putting more focus on being a better leader for my team much sooner than I did. No one is born with amazing leadership skills. They take years to develop and the earlier you start, the better off you’ll be.  Because here’s the truth: you can’t build an empire by yourself.  Eventually, you’ll need to bring people on who stand behind your vision and are just as motivated as you are to achieve it.  As my business grows and scales, my job is to be a visionary and show up for my team as a leader in a stronger way. I’ve always thought of my students and my business, but now it’s time to focus on creating a bigger stronger team of people who are empowered to make dec