Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#385: Is A Blog Valuable To Your Business? With Glo Atanmo



Glo Atanmo tells all about creating a passion led business and a blog that adds value to her business. Sometimes there’s a podcast guest that joins me on Online Marketing Made Easy and they leave me, well… speechless. Speechless because they live life on their own terms and their adventurous spirit can teach us a thing or two about this entrepreneurial life we might not have considered before.  Glo Atanmo is one of those people. Featured in Oprah Magazine, Conde Nast, Essence and more, Glo got her start at 16 when she purchased her first “big girl” domain and taught herself coding basics -- fast forward to today, a decade later, and she’s running a 7-figure business, traveling the world and blogging about it as she goes.  In this episode we talk about Glo’s tips for using a blog to build a business -- and yes, you definitely need to dust off your blog and get it back up and running -- she also tells the story of how she got her start with just $500 in her pocket, and what you need to know today about su