Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#414: How To DIY Your Own Mastermind (& Do It Right)



Masterminds. You hear a lot about them, but do you know what it really means to be a part of one? Let me break it down for you. A mastermind is a small group of entrepreneurs that keep you on track, troubleshoot with you, offer fresh insights into your business, and help you move forward. No matter if your roadblocks are technical or maaaybe you’re stuck in your head more than anything… these people get it. They’re playing all out. And they’re here to help you move forward.  I truly don’t think I’d be here today if it weren’t for two things... One, investing in myself. And two, surrounding myself with people who build me up, support me, and, honestly, call me out when I need to be called out.  So in this episode, I’m breaking down exactly how to DIY your own mastermind -- no matter what stage your business is in, with no cost required. Because an accountability group or mastermind is right for EVERYONE. Introverts and extroverts alike.  Long time business owners and those still rocking the side hust