Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#418: A New (& Better) Way To Look At Imposter Syndrome



Why I Don’t Think You Have Imposter Syndrome  Stop saying you have imposter syndrome. To which you might say, “But Amy...I do have imposter syndrome. I can’t get past this notion of ‘Who am I to start a business’ or ‘Who am I to teach on my topic?’” Boy, do I hear you. I’ve been there a thousand times.  But I also want to challenge you on how that mindset is most likely working against you...and I’m doing just that on this episode. In this episode, I want to talk to you about rethinking what you’ve always labeled as imposter syndrome. I want to lean into what might actually be a strength underneath all that fretting. And I want to challenge you in an area that you’re probably selling yourself short.  My friend, borrow as much courage as you need from me -- and this episode -- to put imposter syndrome to bed for good in your life and step fully into what you’ve always been called to accomplish in this world. I believe in you with my whole heart! Here’s a glance at this episode... Rate, Review, & Fol