Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#532: Free Vs. Paid Bootcamps: Lessons Learned That Might Help You Decide What’s Best For You



After years of running free Facebook bootcamps, my team and I decided that we needed to make some changes.  Not only was engagement plummeting in our free groups, but we noticed that people were just joining so they could spam everyone.  If you know me, you know that my goal in all that I do is to serve my audience at a really high level.  No matter how they land in my world, I want them to walk away with valuable content that helps them achieve their business goals -- so the fact that so many people were joining and quickly losing interest (despite all that I was putting out there) simply wasn’t going to cut it.  I’d heard good things about paid bootcamps from some of my peers (and also some of my more advanced students!) so we decided to give them a whirl.  It was a totally new marketing strategy for us, so we went into it with an open mind and a willingness to learn.  I won’t lie to you – we had LOTS of learning lessons – which I’m about to share with you in this episode. You’ll hear exactly what we did –