
Wellness Wednesdays: Grounding Gratitude Practice, Handling Challenges & Setbacks, NWI Award Winner, Increasing Hydration, Disparities in Breast Cancer Survival Rates | #26



Here's what I'll be covering in this episode: Mindful Moment - I guide you through three deep breaths, enveloping you in a sense of calm and presence. Together, we embark on a grounding gratitude practice, cultivating a profound connection to the present moment and embracing the power of gratitude to uplift our spirits. Mindful Reflection - I answer this week's question from the Generational Wellness Digest: "How do I handle challenges and setbacks, and are there any patterns or habits that hinder my growth and resilience?" Learn about the mindset that has propelled me through setbacks, my relationship with procrastination, and the transformative steps I've taken to overcome obstacles and foster resilience. Check-In - I share my enriching experience at the 2023 National Wellness Institute's Conference. I discuss the highlights of the conference, including the breakout session I facilitated and the honor of receiving the Multicultural Competency Award. I explore the importanc