
[Rewind] Peace Over Perfection | #197



Pause, and observe a DEEP breath. Do you find yourself striving for perfection? In this episode, Nick and Ray bring the Stress Awareness Month Series to a powerful close with a conversation on an age-old struggle—peace versus perfection. In a society where perfection is glorified, join Nick and Ray as they challenge this notion and dive into how it impacts our lives. Uncover the truth behind the belief that greatness hinges on flawlessness, and how these patterns of thinking can hinder our true potential and magnify the stress we face. But fear not! There's a ray of hope to balance out the burdens of perfection. Discover the transformative power of prioritizing peace in our daily lives. Nick and Ray open up about the habits they cultivate to embrace peace and self-acceptance, ultimately recognizing their wholeness and inherent worth. Join us for an episode that will challenge your perspective and leave you feeling empowered to embrace peace over perfection. Unleash your inner greatness as you prioritize