Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

417 - Efficient Fitness: Unpacking the 'Done in One' Method with John Little



What's the best HIT protocol to use for your High-Intensity Training Clients? Is there even such a thing like the best protocol? John Little returns to the podcast to talk about the "Done in One" protocol, and we talk about what really matters when choosing a protocol to use, especially when considering individual variation on the road to getting the best possible results for yourself and for your strength training clients.  In this episode, we dive into hypertrophy, understanding muscle mass potential, factoring in wear and tear, older trainees, how much of what many people know about Mike Mentzer is largely inaccurate, and more. If you're keen on optimizing the results your studio gets for your clients, you'll want to listen to this episode! Attract more clients to your High-Intensity Training Studio For the complete show notes, links, and resources, click here