Business Confidential Now With Hanna Hasl-kelchner

How Smart Leaders Successfully Conquer Fear of Conflict at Work with Dr Debra Dupree



Conquering the fear of conflict at work is one way smart leaders and good bosses set themselves apart from the rest. But how do you do that?Few people enjoy conflict. Most avoid it and get defensive. And those who do like conflict are often thought of as bullies.Dr. Debra Dupree shares how to handle difficult conversations at work with grace.What You’ll Discover About the Fear of Conflict at Work:* Why so many leaders fear conflict at work and avoid it,* How to get past the “fight or flight” triggers when managing conflict at work,* The two-part communication strategy that can defuse conflict at work,* How mindset shifts help develop the courage to overcome the fear of conflict at work, and* Much more.Guest: Dr. Debra DupreeDr. Debra Dupree, the MINDSET Doc, has long been inspired to help others grow out of their FEAR of CONFLICT. She saw her own family-owned business embroiled in differences and disagreements, leading to dashed dreams, damaged relationships, and broken hearts.  She turned thes