
Wellness Wednesdays: Thought-Labeling Exercise, Seeing Love in the Mirror, Ultramarathon Reflection, Key Takeaways From My 50K Journey | #20



Welcome to Wellness Wednesdays! Be prepared to experience the transformative effects of mindfulness, harness the potential of self-perception, and witness the remarkable results of dedication and commitment. Here is what I'll be covering in this episode: 1. Mindful Moment - I will guide you through five rounds of deep breathing, infusing each breath with renewed energy and intention. Together, we will embark on a thought-labeling exercise, allowing us to observe our thoughts and emotions from a place of mindfulness and self-awareness. Experience the profound impact of this practice on your well-being. 2. Mindful Reflection - We explore the prompt sourced from the esteemed Balance Period Newsletter: "When I look at myself in the mirror, what do I see?" Engage in introspection and embrace the power of self-perception. Discover insights into self-image, self-acceptance, and the transformative potential of self-reflection. 3. Check-In - I share my personal journey of training for and completing a 5