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EP100: 10 Biggest Takeaways from 100 Episodes of Perpetual Traffic



Join us as we celebrate 100 episodes! Thanks to everyone who helped get us here, especially the listeners—we couldn’t have done it without you. To commemorate this milestone, the experts are sharing their favorite episodes they consistently recommend to friends, peers, colleagues, and mentees alike. From how to acquire traffic to closing a sale with video advertising, from how to reach new customers using Facebook Messenger to crafting compelling, high-converting ad creatives, these are the favorite tips, strategies, frameworks, and ideas of the PT crew. Then, listen as our Editor, Darren Clarke, details what it takes to create a slick, engaging podcast that has generated 1,845,142 downloads in two years. Darren shares how you can make a podcast that listeners continually return to and what a podcast sounds like without an editor. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: What your marketing must include so you can effectively convey why someone should buy from you (« this is true for all marketers, no matter your indus