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EP102: Facebook's Offline Events: The New Way to Track the Untrackable



This is big! The rollout of Facebook offline events is giving marketers the ability to track what the Facebook pixel can’t: sales that happen in your physical store or over the phone after people see or engage with your Facebook ad.   From local businesses to online companies, any business can use and benefit from Facebook offline events, no matter your budget. Join the experts and special guest Scott Desgrosseilliers, founder of Wicked Reports, as they explain how you can use Facebook offline events to your advantage, as well as the caveat you need to be aware of. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: Who should use Facebook offline events and how it can have a profound impact on your business. What data may conflict and where to proceed with caution so you can make informed decisions about your Facebook ads. Scott’s #1 metric you should be tracking that will help you understand what creates a new lead for your business. Listen till the end of the episode for a “Ryan Rant” on the problem with direct response and wh