Where's The Lemonade?

Event Etiquette in Co-Parenting



We just had a wedding!! Julianne and Boyd were married this past weekend and it made us think about the balancing act that they had to do between 3 different families. How can we help them in their balancing act? There are always going to be big events  that you have to attend with your coparent and possibly a significant other. How  can we make this easier on the kids?Over time this evolves too. It can also ebb and flow depending on your relationship with your ex.Polite and friendly should be the very least you should do. Dear Mom and Dad,The operative word here Mom and Dad is My events. You are a guest here and I ask you to act accordingly. My events include but are not limited to:1. My teacher’s conferences.2. My athletic events.3. My musical recitals.4. My birthday party.5. My school plays.6. My school graduationsAnd later7. My Prom8. My going to college9. My weddingSo here are some guidelines which I ask if you can’t follow, best you postpone coming until you can.Your Divorce, My EventMy life outside my