Get More Referrals Today

Don’t Be A Stalker In Business Sales



You know when you know sometimes you just don't get along with that person You don't resonate with them You don't bond easily with them  You just don't see how they can make your life better Well, this is exactly what needs to happen in your business, if you are going to make more sales. The problem is we shoot ourselves in the foot by trying to sell our stuff rather than deepen the relationship to begin with. A simple saying I have with our Partnership Club tribe - Contacts + Relationships = New Clients In this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast, let me walk through how not to be a stalker and instead be a client attraction magnet.   PS: We help our clients do 3 things: 1. Build a referral partner network to triple your referrals 2. Build a client retention system to double the lifetime value of your clients 3. Build a 'WOW Factor’ to your service delivery model so that you STAND OUT in your marketplace   If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even