Affirmation Pod - Affirmation, Relaxation and Meditation for Transformation

460 Creating a Safe and Sacred Space



Let's allow a sense of safety to move inside us and around us with Creating a Safe and Sacred Space." This is the second of 10 episodes this week to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Affirmation Pod. All the episodes in this series have no intros! The sister episode to this one is Episode 304 Comforting Breathing Meditation SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at WANT MORE EPISODES LIKE THIS ONE? Episode 416 I'm Safe Now Episode 258 Healing Emotional Wounds and Finding Safety Look who loves Affirmation Pod! “Josie's a saving grace. She literally has a positive affirmation for everything. When you don’t feel like getting up at all, she’s got a great positive affirmation.” – Gabrielle Union "Every morning without fail I listen to Jos