
Wellness Wednesdays: Generational Wellness Through Storytelling, Navigating Occupational Transitions, Consuming Educational Content, Recovering From & Preventing Burnout | #11



Here's what I'll be covering in this episode: 1. Mindful Moment - I guide us through 5 rounds of deep breathing followed by an awareness exercise to focus our attention on what we feel in the present moment. 2. Mindful Reflection - I answered last week's question from the Balance Period Newsletter: "What’s one topic I need to learn more about to help me live a more fulfilling life?". 3. Check-In - I share some updates on the current status of my mind and body and how my training program has helped me get more in tune with how I feel. I also discuss how I am balancing my time between training for the 50k and navigating this occupational transition by prioritizing proactive rest. I then talk about my current consumption habits and what educational resources I have been using to learn and grow. Finally, I discuss keeping curiosity and compassion top of mind as I interact with myself and others. 4. System Updates - I briefly give a preview of the new app I plan on downloading to support me i