Growth Everywhere | Entrepreneurial Stories | Business Lessons

GE Ep 178 [2016]: How Adam Callinan Grew BottleKeeper to an 8-Figure Revenue with 0 Employees in 3.5 Years



Hey everyone, in today's episode, I share the mic with Adam Callinan, the founder of BottleKeeper, a stainless steel container that is insulated to keep your beer cold longer. Adam is also a founding partner of Beachwood Ventures which is a venture capital firm based out of Los Angeles that connects the entertainment business with marketing opportunities for early stage businesses. Listen as Adam shares how a simple product demo video that he shot took the business from $3,000 to $60,000 in monthly sales, how a ridiculous referral program (and the word "free") skyrocketed their growth, and the one major change he recently made that impacted the business in a big way. Click here for show notes and transcription. Leave Some Feedback: What should I talk about next? Who should I interview? Please let me know on Twitter or in the comments below. Did you enjoy this episode? If so, leave a short review here. Subscribe to Growth Everywhere on iTunes. Get the non-iTunes RSS feed Connect with Eric Siu: Gro