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GE Ep 21 [2014]: Scott Ruthfield On Growing a Service Business Over 826% In Just Two Years



Today we're talking with Scott Ruthfield of Rooster Park, a Seattle based recruiting and custom software development consultancy. Scott founded Rooster Park in 2009 to satisfy his obsession with building software at a reasonable cost. Soon companies were asking for help recruiting entire engineering teams. Scott realized an untapped market and answered the call. Today his team carefully recruits developers, testers, designers and more for companies like Amazon, Google, Expedia and others. Before launching Rooster Park, Scott was the VP of Engineering & Technology for, an over $70 million, 150-person company focused on people search at massive scale. Click here for show notes. Leave some feedback: Who should I interview next? Please let me know on Twitter or in the comments below. Did you enjoy this episode? If so, leave a short review here. Subscribe to Growth Everywhere on iTunes. Get the non-iTunes RSS feed Connect with Eric Siu:  Growth Everywhere Single Grain Twitter @ericos