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Why Moz Founder Rand Fishkin Stepped Down from a $50M Biz to Start His Own Software Company



Hey everyone! In today's episode, I share the mic with Rand Fishkin, the Co-Founder of SparkToro, a service that helps you find all the proper outlets through which to reach your target demographic. This is his second time being a guest on Growth Everywhere! Check out the first episode with him here! Tune in to hear Rand talk about why the “Wizard of Moz" decided to leave Moz, how he helped grow the company 50% YoY, how he started his own software company a month later, and why the venture model may not work for every company. Click here for show notes and transcripts Leave Some Feedback: What should I talk about next? Who should I interview? Please let me know on Twitter or in the comments below. Did you enjoy this episode? If so, leave a short review here Subscribe to Growth Everywhere on iTunes Get the non-iTunes RSS Feed  Connect With Eric Siu:  Growth Everywhere Single Grain Eric Siu on Twitter Learn more about your ad choices. Visit