Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Tapping for loneliness and disconnection (Pod #547)



A recent Harvard study found that 36% of the population of the United States, with some groups (such as young adults) experiencing a much higher prevalence of loneliness. Not only does the study point out that loneliness is becoming a serious issue, it also shows "the potentially steep costs of loneliness, including early mortality and a wide array of serious physical and emotional problems, including depression, anxiety, heart disease, substance abuse, and domestic abuse." I know that I have experienced more loneliness and disconnection in the last few years than at any other period in my life, and even post-pandemic it's a concern I work on with many of my clients. In this week's podcast I share a simple tap-along audio to help with the feeling of loneliness and disconnection. You can find the full tapping script of this audio as a pdf over at Tapping Q and A Podcast Scripts and Transcripts. Support the podcast! Http://tappingqanda.com/support Subscribe in: Apple Podcast | iPhone | Android | Google Podc