Where's The Lemonade?

#5.4 The Horrible First Year Revisited



The first year of blending families can be pretty tricky and downright horrible. In this episode, we talk about the challenges of throwing two families together and how we dealt with the obstacles we ran into.Listen to this EpisodeLove does not conquer all. For those of you that think everything has been rosy. It has not. This has brought up some tension and memories of the hard times. Sacramento Airport. We were naive enough that we thought love would be able to handle all of the problems we faced. That helped but was not enough. Everything was hard. Meshing kids. We had two 16-year-olds that were completely different from different kinds of friends. One very social and another not very social at all. You cannot force them to be friends; they don’t want to be. Now they are excellent friends. Meshing rules. Is there a double standard for some of the kids? Or is everything the same? Meshing discipline. Understanding boundaries with stepkids was rigid. Older kids and younger kids. Expectations for a clean house