Get More Referrals Today

It’s Not Your Marketing That’s Not Working



The number of times I've heard people tell me their horrible marketing stories.  The amount of money they've spent on advertising or the amount of time they've wasted  Not to mention, the trust they've put into someone, to receive no return  They tell me this as if for some reason this should have never happened. The unfortunate thing is... It's ALWAYS going to happen because 99% of the time it's not your marketing that is the problem. In this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast let me explore with you the 4 areas you MUST answer and evolve yourself before you even try any marketing. Until you have these right, it will always be throwing mud at the wall, hoping that it sticks!   If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform.. And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on... ITunes Spotify YouTube Google Play ** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Transforming Your Client Retention, Client Loyal