Nach Yomi

Enjoy a journey of growth and learning as we move through Tanach at the pace of 5 chapters a week. It takes just a few small steps to achieve big things

Daf Yomi

NOUVEAU: Shiour d'Halaha Posez vos question au Rav Rozenberg en les envoyant a l'adresse mail suivante:

Amud Yomi

Amud Yomi shiur given daily in NHAYS by Reb Sholom Segal

Zohar Ammud Yomi

Podcast by Rabbi Ben Newman

Amud Yomi Masechta Shabbos

A daily Gemorah Shiur given at Valley Torah High School by Rabbi Stulberger

Lakewood Daf Yomi #dafbysruly Reid Bites

Based on the Daf Yomi Shiurim by Sruly Bornstein of The Lakewood Daf Yomi Chaburah. #ReidBites (read: Reid Bites) are audio clips from the "reid" (commentaries) spoken out in the...

Yutorah: R' Aryeh Lebowitz Daf Yomi

An in-depth explanation of the daf yami, combining both a simple understanding with a more advanced analysis, given by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz.

Daf Yomi Shiur by Simon Wolf

Join the many listeners who enjoy Simon Wolfs unusually clear and in depth daily presentation of the Daf Yomi. Daily audio recordings are available for listening and when relevant...

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