Dla Piper Techlaw Podcast Series

The DLA Piper TechLaw Podcast Series covers the latest technological developments in our rapidly changing world. From Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Privacy, FinTech,...

Space Viking By H. Beam Piper

A galactic war has left the Terran Federation in ruins. Formerly civilized planets have decivilized into barbarism. Space Vikings roam the wreckage, plundering and killing for...

Dla Piper Talks - Een 7dtv Podcast

In deze serie gaat 7DTV host Ronnie Overgoor in gesprek met partners en clienten van DLA Piper over actuele thema's als climate change, vastgoed, arbeidsrecht en ondernemen.Iedere...

Five Sci-fi Short Stories By H. Beam Piper By H. Beam Piper

Henry Beam Pipers book Five Sci-Fi Short Stories is a collection of: The Answer, Temple Trouble, Flight From Tomorrow, Police Operation and Graveyard of Dreams. The Answer is...

Time Crime by PIPER, H. Beam

The Paratime Police had a real headache this time! Tracing one man in a population of millions is easy--compared to finding one gang hiding out on one of billions of probability...

Temple Trouble by PIPER, H. Beam

Did you know that our little earth is not limited to the single time line on which we happen to live? There are actually thousands, no millions of parallel times, each existing...

Four-Day Planet by PIPER, H. Beam

Fenris isnt a hell planet, but its nobodys bargain. With 2,000-hour days and an 8,000-hour year, it alternates blazing heat with killing cold. A planet like that tends to breed a...

Slave Is a Slave, A by PIPER, H. Beam

The Galactic Empire is slowly welcoming into the family of civilized worlds those systems so far off in the backwater of the galaxy that they have been overlooked and ignored for...

Cosmic Computer, The by PIPER, H. Beam

Conn Maxwell returns from Terra to his poverty-stricken home planet of Poictesme, The Junkyard Planet, with news of the possible location of Merlin, a military super-computer...

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