Lady Susan

Lady Susan es una novela de intrigas y enredos donde la trama se va develando a raíz del intercambio de cartas entre los diferentes personajes. La historia gira en torno a lady...

Lady Susan

Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Figura insoslayable de la literatura inglesa, Jane Austen plasma en este libro una aguda novela epistolar. La obra, más corta y menos...

Braxton Bennett

New Podcast Show featuring Braxton Bennett. Take a listen!

Nyema Bennett

One thing you need to know about this podcast is your not going to grow alone. Nyema Bennett is 100% Transparent on how she views this 3 dimensional world. Everything you will...

Hayden Bennett

Welcome to the Hayden Bennett podcast, where amazing things happen.

Susan Says With Susan Silver

Susan Silver was one of the first female TV comedy writers with credits like The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Maude, Bob Newhart, among others. As the lyrics from the iconic Mary Tyler...

Susan Pascal

Susan Pascal is president of The Athena Fortune Company, her own business consulting and public relations firm. She also writes for as the L.A.Successful Women...

Lady Susan 

"Lady Susan" is perhaps the shortest and least known of Austen’s novels, dealing with the obnoxious flirting and social manners of Susan Vernon, a young widow who comes to visit...

Lady Susan

Lady Susan is a selfish, unscrupulous and scheming woman, highly attractive to men, who tries to trap the best possible husband while maintaining a relationship with a married...

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