André Rebouças No Divã De Frantz Fanon

Imagine um improvável encontro entre André Rebouças e Frantz Fanon? O primeiro, engenheiro brasileiro, afrodescendente, um dos maiores nomes do abolicionismo no Brasil do...


“A Volta” é o encontro da palavra e dossentimentos, uma catarse de vida feita de maneiraverdadeira e apaixonante, pois carrega todas asverdades que são possíveis de... | ¿cómo Se Deviene Analista? es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.

Ananás Y Rodri

Hola a todos, somos Ananás y Rodri! Somos una pareja que nos encanta hablar de temas interesantes y relevantes de la actualidad. La parte interesante es que tenemos muy...

Shamangelic Healing Podcast With Anahata Ananda

The Shamangelic Healing podcast with Anahata Ananda is designed as a platform for sharing deep authentic conversations about REAL LIFE issues. The mission is to impart valuable...

Anahita Blog

Hangout sessions with the Anahita tribe members. Anahita is a developer friendly and open source social networking platform and framework that helps you build the foundations of...

Annita Greece

If you are seeking for help. I can do it Counselor Cover art photo provided by Michael Olsen on Unsplash:


A forty-something single dad, a twenty-something hockey star, and a whole lot of baggage. No, this couldn’t possibly blow up in their faces.Officer Geoff Logan has his plate...


Hooking up is only the beginning of the fun in this sexy and irresistible second installment of the thrilling New Adult series, Boomerang.At Boomerang, one night can change...

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