As pulgas da Maria Antônia

As histórias trazem uma verdade crua acerca do cotidiano. Neste cotidiano se encaixam a violência, a mentira, a traição, a manipulação. Mas também trazem as relações...


Às dez da noite, Maca descia a Augusta em direção ao Flemus Bar, quase na esquina da Al. Franca. Esse era o seu ponto preferido. Apesar de ser um lugar frequentado por...

Speaking Freely With Dennis Raimondi

Interviews with prominent people from business,politics, sports, entertainment, and non-profits.Dennis' angle is to ask intelligent and thought provoking questions andallow guests...

Liam Scott Scott Ryan Show

As the world around us drowns in political correctness, family friendly content and millennial twats, who can listeners now count on for oral relief? Liam and Scott are here to...

Raymond Hilery's Thoughts

Welcome to Raymond Hilerys Thoughts! Where each week we will have amazing conversation and Ideas that can translate to you! They may change your thinking and possibly your life.

Raymond Tec News

The internet has become a 24-hour melee vying for your attention. Its too easy to miss, shut down, or tune out things that're really important; especially when an algorithm...

Sandi Scott

Welcome to "What we missed" show about situations and events that happen in our every day lives that we over look that will cost us majorly in the end!

Darren Scott

Snapchat: Dsizzle319 Twitter: Aceboogie_uno Instagram: Dscott_ii

Rico Scott

Life freedom wellbeing one with

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